Wednesday 16th July

Very organised and calm setting off this morning.  Got up at 7 and put bedding on to wash. Had shower and took suki out to Wendell.  Hung washing out and put clothes in.  Had breakfast,  cleared up and packed car all in good time.  Set off ahead of schedule so dropped suki off at Linda's first.  Suki looked daggers at me as I left.  Picked Andrew up at station then Monica.  Trouble free journey to Cleeve Prior. Lovely weather.  Had sandwich for lunch in pub - and it came with chips which was unexpected.  So of course I ate them. We were lucky to arrive early as only one person serving drinks and bringing out food so some people had quite a wait.  Walked up to church after lunch - short staircase to ringing gallery.  Watched the ringing up and decided it was not the tower for me so went back and sat in the car.  Had a lovely afternoon cross stitching while the others rang.  Got to hotel at 6.30 and had a cup of tea then walked up to Bell Tower through Abbey Park to join locals for practice.   I went up and had a couple of rings and then went down and sat in the park overlooking the river.  It was raining lightly but I found shelter under a tree with somewhere to sit.  There was a fabulous double rainbow (photo doesn't do it justice) and a glorious sunset.  Went looking for somewhere to eat and found a great pub which pushed tables together in a back room so that we could all sit together and provided bottles of water.  Lovely food.  Rather late getting back to hotel.  Teddies were all lined up on the desk at reception waiting to be claimed! Discovered that lack of phone signal all day not due to being in remote villages but yet another problem with my phone! Also found I had brought headphones not charging cable.  Had to use satnav cable to charge it. 
Double Rainbow over Abbey Park
The bears with our room keys lined up waiting for us when we came in
Our room key bear
Bear sitting around in our room
Bear bookends in our room
Bear tea set in our room

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