Monday 28th July

Got up at 6.30 and had shower - had put washing on timer and it was ready to be put out at 7 am.  Put next load on and took Suki for a quick walk round the block - over the hill and back via Rendells Drive and bridleway.  Got back and put washing out, putting third load on, and had porridge and cup of tea then drove to Exeter for 9 am meet for handbell peal with Tim, Sue Sparling and Tom Hinks.  Rang a peal of Bristol - Tim and Sue struggled and often put each other off, but afterwards all agreed it had been better than their first peal of it the previous week.  I was only put off a couple of times and was pleased with the way I had rung.  Then went to Sainsbury and stocked up on stuff.  Jayne helped unload car and I had a hot cross bun for lunch.  Jayne had prepared cabbage and red wine marinade for the pork chops, and we put them on to cook with roasted carrots and beetroot and went out for a walk to Parke finishing with a cup of tea at the cafe.  Had our meal when we got in at 5.30 and I paid a couple of bills - now received the invoice for the fence at last.  Found I needed to register my new phone with both banks for mobile banking - could do it for Lloyds but needed the pin sentry machine and card for Barclays.  Went to Barry's at 6.30 and he took me, Rosemary and Chris to Newton Abbott where the Bovey practice had been moved to the Clock Tower.  The bells were quite light and flighty but I was ok and had to ring quite a bit.  Edmund Wratten turned up with girlfriend (they had come on holiday camping) and we were both surprised to see each other.  He was quite an asset to the practice - the girlfriend was just learning plain hunt so we did a bit of that, and we also did grandsire doubles with Bill on the treble and Roy on the tenor.  I went home without going for a drink and had a glass of wine with Jayne, and then some ovaltine and plum liquor before going to bed.

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