Friday 14 February

Wild wet and windy when I woke up so deferred going out until 11 when it looked as if it was clearing up. Walked to Parke from house and went along railway track then up the road and back along lower woodland walk. It poured with rain the whole time although there was not much wind.  When I walked out it was not quite as flooded as Wednesday but on the way back it was worse! Slide stream was actually gushing over the foot bridge. Road very flooded and suki reluctant to go through it.  Mill park also ver deep in water in places. I put suki on the lead so that she didn't get swept away! When I got back my Chiltern books had arrived, and also a lovely valentines fresh flowers card. I went straight back out to trago to return the bread maker. They gave me a refund and I got a few bits including a belt as attempts to keep my trousers up with wool had not worked. When I got back in the car the wind had really got up and I was quite frightened as the car was rocking and the trees were bending right over. I went straight back and stayed in for the rest of the day and night. Ann rang at 4.30 to say she didn't think we should go out ringing which was a great relief. Changed the halogen light bulb in the uplighter.  Did the filing, going through all old stuff and throwing away instruction books and receipts for things we no longer had. Weather got worse and worse - really battered by wind and rain. Suki got frightened in the evening and started her scrabbling antics. Took her into bed and calmed her down. Watched some tv on iplayer then had early night.

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