Sunday 2 February

Had a good night's sleep and got up just after 6.30 - waiting for cuckoo clock to sound but it had stopped! Took suki for a quick walk to Wendell. Mike making tea when I got back. Went to 8 am. Mike did readings. Vagrant Michael in church. Considered giving him my tea but moment passed. He was disruptive a couple of times and left before the end. I was needed for ringing at both Barnes and Chiswick. Went to Sainsbury and got lots of discounted montepulciano. Filled up with diesel. Went home and had baguette with cheese and sausage from son Ferrer market. Spent an hour or so dealing with emails then we both took suki for a walk in Acton park. Nice sunny day. Today's Alzheimer moment was to chuck the tea bags in the washing up and the tea spoon in the compost caddy. Sang choral evensong at St Nicks. Reasonably successful and enjoyable. Lots of basses. Organist played jig fugue for outgoing voluntary which was nice. Went for drink with the crowd before going home and having cheese sausage and baguette again for supper with bottle of montepulciano. Watched Andy Murray match in Davis Cup which he won to put GB through to quarter finals for first time in 28 years.

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