Wednesday 29 January

Woke up just before alarms and got up at 6. Had shower and ate a banana. Went down and checked out at 7. Transfer taxi supposed to arrive at 7.10 but arrived 15 minutes later by which time I was beginning to get a bit nervous. Picked up one other person in Palma and arrived at airport at 8 for 9.55 flight! Got chatting to the other lady in taxi and ended up going for a coffee together and sitting together on the plane. Palma airport very quiet and plane half empty so very pleasant and time went quickly as chatting all the way. Sam had made me ham sandwich which was delicious and I bought a hot chocolate to go with it. Landed at 11 and got Stansted express back to London. Cold, grey and wet weather. Arrived home at 1 just after mike had had lunch. Emma took suki out for a couple of hours and I unpacked and did washing and then did computer stuff, sorting out emails and paying bills etc. Mike went off to Radlett in the evening with Tony and I sent out forms for Middx subs to southern towers by email and post where there was no email address. Then had an early night.

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