Thursday 6 February

Got up early and got dropped off by mike at chiswick house for long walk with suki of about an hour and a half. Weather deteriorated once I had got back in. Caroline cancelled handbells because still I'll so lovely long day and evening of blissful solitude. Paid the bills and tidied emails again. Then spent some time sorting out music and replacing damaged Andy Williams LP tracks with downloaded versions from YouTube. Also sorted out Cliff Richard album where song titles were incorrect. Then loaded phone with the good versions plus all the music I hadn't been able to copy before ( Windows 7 converts them for the phone automatically.) Had lettuce sandwiches for lunch and jam sandwich for tea. Probably too many carbs! Did small amount of ironing. Made leek and onion soup but it was very mediocre. Had to blend it at 10 at night because I has used Lorraine's big pan and had turned gas too low to keep it simmering so took longer than anticipated. Took suki for quick walk in Southfields but it was raining and very miserable. Finished listening to "Cockroaches" and successfully removed it from my phone along with Chessmen? Watched new Inspector Gently on tv with glass of wine.

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