Tuesday 4 February

Car parked in metered bay so took suki to Gunnersbury in it to move it. Had nice walk round the park and met Lee at the end and had a nice chat. Nice and sunny but started to rain quite hard just as I got to the car. Had rush of blood to the head and spent the rest of the morning cooking! Had got yet another red cabbage in the veg box and still had the last one to use. Went to Tesco and got some apples and braised the red cabbage with them and sultanas ginger balsamic onion etc. then made celeriac and blue cheese bread which was very successful and delicious. Made celeriac soup with the remainder which we had for supper. Spent too long playing spider solitaire again. Did some emails and amended choir minutes. Went to choir - good rehearsal. I knew all the music so there must be some bits I haven't sung at all. Meeting of working group afterwards which didn't seem to get us much further forward as regards action but was a useful discussion forum. Finished in time to get to the pub for a swift pint before 11. I drank diet coke again. Wen to bed at 11.30 with ovaltine and last of the lemon curd liquer. 

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