Saturday 1 February

Mike went off ringing QPs and I went to Denham to do 7-mile Colne Valley circular walk I had stumbled across when researching New Year's Day canal walk.  Walking by 9.10.  Took me four and a half hours because went slightly wrong in the woods and then decided to research possible short cut for future, and also because unable to get under railway bridge at Ickenham due to floods so had to do long detour.  Lovely morning - clear and sunny and not too cold although the wind was somewhat chill.  Underfoot was extremely muddy and often deep in water - luckily boots were up to it.  Had blisters under both feet by the end.  Also found I had burrs sticking to my ear muffs - but only after I had been talking to people whilst completely unaware of this. Got home and changed bedding and did washing.  Then had lovely hot shower and got into comfies for the evening.  Did cross stitch and watched England being beaten by France at Rugby in the last few minutes.  Had pate from Son Ferrer market for supper with a beer and then had an early night as falling asleep by 9 pm.

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