Sunday 16 February

Slept badlly - seemed to be awake all night but couldn't be bothered to put music on. Got up early and packed and had breakfast. Left at 9 and went to Stover for an hour's walk with suki. Toilets now have notice on door asking people not to take dogs in. Ignored it as no choice! Arrived in Horsington at 11.50 sp took suki for a walk up to the church and then around the block up back lane and then went in to pub and had a drink and read my book on kobo till Jay arrived at 12.30. Had lovely carvery again - roast beef two Yorkshire puddings roast potatoes and 4 veg followed by sticky toffee pudding, all for £16 including drink. Had good journey home. It was a glorious day - warm and sunny. Arrived back home at 4 and went straight out with suki round Acton park. Mike was doing my church sitting duty and came home about 5 looking and feeling ill and tired. I pushed him in to the house and he went up to bed and I gave him a cup of tea and some TLC.  Tidied up and put packing away. Gave mike some soup and toast and another cup of tea and had a couple of pieces of toast myself. Spent the evening watching tv. Had an early night.

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