Sunday 29 June

Went to 8 am than skipped all the ringing and went home for some breakfast. Tried to put dad's cd on phone but it needs converting from .cda. Put video on phone and took memorial photo book with me and went off to crem, parked at crem and walked to ASDA. Got there just before 10.30 and found John in the queue waiting for the doors to open. We had a cup of tea then bought some flowers and walked up to the crem. There was a lady official clearing out old flowers - huge number, probably because of recent Father's Day. Lots of space for our flowers. We watched the video and I put dad's photo on my flowers with the 3 poems on the back. Then we walked to the garden and laid roses on the ashes spot. Then John went off to catch the bus back to the hotel in kensington where he is staying with Gill and I went home. Had wrap with Lorraine's quorn dish for lunch then went to do church sitting. Caught the bus as it was outside when I came out the door. Mike popped in to church afte...