Sunday 15 June

Got up early and took Suki for a walk to Parke from the house, up by the river and back by the railway track, for an hour and a half.  Went ringing - there were 7 of us so I ducked out of the last touch and went downstairs to see if I could see Ann Power.  She was just coming in the church as I got there which was great timing.  I checked she knew that we were lunching at Brookside and then headed off home as I couldn't bear to stay to Morning Worship!  I looked for a service on the TV or radio but there wasn't one.  I thought afterwards I could have gone to the service at Tracey House!  When I got back I picked up the cross stitch and realised I had done a whole chunk yesterday with the stitches crossing the wrong way, so I spent an hour unpicking it.  Went to pick up Mary at 12 - found her sitting on her own in the summer house which looked very pleasant and it seemed a shame to disturb her.  Went to Brookside where we were lucky enough to get a parking place.  We were the first there, but were soon joined by Margaret and then Ann and her friend Hilda. It was very nice and Mary enjoyed it very much.  The food was ok - especially for the elderly in that the beef was very easy to eat (but not much taste and certainly no sign of any juice or blood) and the veg very soft.  Mary and I then went back to Margaret's for a cup of tea, sitting in her garden which is just the other side of the bridleway from Mary's house.  I was interested to see I could log on to my wi fi there!  Then we collected Suki and I took Mary back and then took Suki for a short walk in Parke. 

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