Thursday 19 June

Decided to do things a bit differently from the norm and just get dressed and out walking before the day got too hot. Went to Yarner Wood car park (which I noted had toilets!) and explored the wood with the aid of leaflet for about two hours. Then came home and sat in garden and did cross stitch. Suki decided the flower bed looked like a good place to settle! Caught the sun nicely. Had shower about 4 then took suki for walke in Parke. Squeezed into small space in lay by which pleased me. Set off early to handbells because of roadworks - but they were just finishing so I was early. Had great handbell session. There were the full team of 10 so we could ring lots of complicated stuff. I was very sad saying goodbye at the end of the evening knowing I wouldn't be coming again for a month.  Had cup of tea when I got in and decided against any alcohol. Struggled to get to sleep - resorted to music in the end about 1 and probably went to sleep about 2.

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