Saturday 28 June

Mike went to Barnes, and Lorraine went to a festival at Clapham.  Lee came round to do garden, and within minutes the warm sunny day turned to torrential rain.  He did a lot of weeding and deadheading in the rain, then decided to give up and come back the next day.  Put rubbish in car and then the rain stopped, so he started again and finished everything except mowing the lawn, including removing the pond and filling the hole with compost.  Mike came in at 1.30 and we had pate and toast, then he went off to rehearsal and I did emails, personal admin, and brought blog up to date including photos - then realised that photos copied from Dropbox only appeared in blog if I was logged in to Dropbox!  So will need to go through and upload photos from computer.  Ho hum - more wasted time!! Took suki for a walk and then uploaded photos to blog. Phew! Went to chiswick choir concert - I am now a concession!. Monica had got seat right at the front which was excellent for watching soloists and piano playing. Enjoyed the concert. Monica and I drank chilled rose wine which I had taken along, although I did also buy a bottle on the door. Went to tarantella restaurant afterwards. Chris Wright joined us which was nice. 

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