Sunday 22June

Took suki to Parke at 7.15 am - hundreds of cyclists on road in cycling event going along le molay road. Went ringing and to service then picked up suki and went to see Mary. Spent the rest of the day sunbathing. Having finished brilliant book on Audible - The Woodcutter - am now ploughing on with complete drivel -East of Innocence. A sort of poor imitation of Mickey Spilane. Tried to do cross stitch but am now onto pearl filament and it was not very successful being outside with sweaty hands. Jayne came home at 5 and we both sat out until 6. Sun still very hot. Drank sparkling non alcoholic wine. Had shower and then we went to Cromwell for a meal. Took suki with us. Had butternut squash and mushroom cannelloni. Managed to finish and get out just before music quiz started! Watched a bit of tv with a cup of tea before going to bed.

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