Monday 16 June

 This morning was warm but cloudy and I went and explored the bit in between the small car park on the moor and Bovey Valley Woods.  Followed Templar Way down off the moor and into Yarner Wood and then circled round the bottom of the wood to pick up the footpath back up the side of the wood, then round by the house and discovered the path on the same side of the road so that I didn't have to cross it.  2 hours 10 minutes - with all the down in the first hour and constant up thereafter!  I didn't quite make it to Bovey Valley woods but have discovered a good mid-way car park at Middle Trebare Down to use for my next exploration, which should join up the two and also take me up behind Becky Falls.  Spent the rest of the day tidying up emails etc on the computer and organising my blog photos.  Took Suki out again to Parke in the afternoon - began to feel a bit light headed so had a couple of jam sandwiches when I got back even though I would be eating an hour later.  Cooked mash potato and lots of veg which needed using up ready for when Jayne came in.  I had mine with gravy and she cooked a small piece of salmon with hers.  Lorraine rang me up with a problem which had upset her, just before I went ringing so I was a bit late getting there.  Very warm in the tower.  We did a bit of kaleidoscope ringing for the last half hour. Didn't go for a drink but went home and had a beer with Jayne and then ovaltine and a drambuie and a reasonably early night. Lots to think about!!

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