Thursday 26 June

Woke up at 5 sneezing and with runny nose but it didn't turn into a cold. Couldn't get back to sleep so got up and had shower and did some washing. Made breakfast and washed up then went with Mike and he dropped me off with suki at chiswick house on his way to work. Had hour and a half walk and finished listening to East of Innocence. Complete tosh. Finished sorting out cupboard stuff and did emails and personal admin all morning - seemed to have lots of time as started so early. Lorraine put lots of stuff back in her room which made the house look a bit better. Decided to get Lee in to do garden on Saturday which took a load off my mind. Lorraine and I had garden potatoes, cauliflower and carrots with gravy for lunch. Did ironing I the afternoon and watched some tennis but it was a bit boring. Did a small amount of cross stitch on the wolf with the filament thread. A little more successful than before but still very tricky. Took suki to southfields then had my "doggy bag" for supper wih a glass of wine and watched silent witness before having an early night.

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