Toby Book 2 - Walk 10 - Friday 13 June

I decided to make it up to Suki for having a fairly miserable afternoon yesterday, and I did this one from the dog walks book in Bovey Valley Woods which was so lovely I did it again the next day.  4 miles - 2 hours - shaded all the way and most of it by the river so plenty of water for Suki.  Great for a hot day such as we have been having! I was a bit disconcerted when half way round I realised the instructions said I had to cross a very very narrow bridge consisting of a tree trunk sawn in half!  Luckily there was a large well constructed new bridge in place when I got there, and the old bridge had been boarded off but was still there.  I wouldn't have fancied crossing it!
The original tree trunk bridge!
The original tree trunk bridge from the new bridge

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