Monday 9 September

Went to Devon.  Reasonable journey and arrived at 1.45. Sunny with blue sky although breezy.  Rained all day in London.   Helena rang Mike to complain about shrubs pushing fence over.  Unpacked and had cup of tea.  Went for walk in Parke then went to see Mary.  Caught post on the way back.  Had stuffed tortellini with cheese and salad for supper.  Tree surgeon came 6.30.  Really good.  Agreed £800 worth of work.  Will prune magnolia,  remove laburnum,  cut back shrubs and hard prune the hedges.  Went ringing.  Did plain hunt for Lisa and Chris.  Went for drink with bob. Red fox was on and really good.  Just had one pint though as tired.  Had hot drink and watched tv for half an hour.

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