Tuesday 3 September

Mike went to work.  I got up early and had shower etc, put washing on and got Mike to drop me and suki by hogarth roundabout.  Picked up keys from church (both monica and Mike having failed to do so last night). Had nice walk round Chiswick House then walked home.  Out for about 2 hours.  Hung washing out and put bread on to bake. Went to tesco and stocked up on meat and other stuff for freezer.   Spent rest of day cross stitching.  Finished another block and started another one.  Definitely got slippage now.  Walked suki in southfields in afternoon.  Watched Wycliffe and frost on tv. Stopped stitching and had cold tin of pride- mainly to help ease space in groaning fridge. Had early night.  Mike went ringing at Stevenage with Tony and got in at midnight.

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