Thursday 5 September

Stairlift failed to work so Mike had to get down stairs on his backside.  Phoned them at 9 but failed to get a fix included in the service visit which is due.  Very offhand woman on phone.  But can't exactly take business elsewhere.  Call out fee is £87. Engineer came and fixed it by changing the arms over but I also ordered new part (plus further call out fee! ). Very hot day again.  130 car pile up on sheppey bridge in Kent in thick fog. Went to guy's in the evening and attempted surprise Minor with James.  Didn't get a peal but eventually got a quarter of Cambridge 6. Came home and had the other tin of pride.  Went to bed then got text from Mike asking if Hugo could stay the night (they had gone ringing at Kensington). So got up and sorted out bedding.

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