Tuesday 10 September

Slept really well and got up 7.45.  Put washing on and had shower and breakfast.  Sunny day and breezy again so hung washing out. Put card through Helena's door re what tree surgeon will do.   Took suki up to the moor.  Bit worried because wind was whistling round my ears a lot and could have done with my hat so didn't stay out for as long as intended.  Walked from small car park out along ridge then down to quarry and back along tramway.  Got back and had call from Helena-all sweetness and light! ! Rang southern electric and got direct debits halved and £550 refunded.  Went to high street and meandered around doing bits and pieces.  Got lovely tuna baguette at bakers.  Had lovely relaxing back massage.  Picked up some fillet steak from butcher on way home.  Rowena came to walk suki at 5.30 but was back in 10 mins because worried about a man whom suki growled at.  Played with suki in the garden for a short while.  Then came in for a drink and played the piano and tried out abel.  I walked suki back with her up st Mary Street then through car park and back through houses.  Cut up lots of veg for stir fries.  Cooked all chicken bits in freezer with garlic and herb shake and bake bag.  Had two sweet corn on the cob then small amount of chicken and salad with red wine.  Never got round to cross stitching but did a lot of practice of Norwich royal on tenors.  Watched miss Marple. 

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