Sunday 22 September

Mike's birthday.  Went to 8 am. Jackie celebrating in her lovely American accent.  Just had hot chocolate for breakfast.  More personal admin when I got back and paid bills.  Lorraine cooked omelette and chips for lunch.  Lovely.  Took suki and Mike to Burnham beeches for an hour.  Suki chased ball the whole time.  Fungi almost completely gone or turned to mush.  Sang choral evensong which went quite well.  Roy was there so I enjoyed it very much.  Lorraine had cooked supper when we got back.  Used up last of fish in freezer with potato and carrot mash,  spinach and roasted squash wedges.  Yummy.  Tried some of Mike's birthday beer in the evening- of which there was quite a lot! ! Joy of joys-new season of Downton abbey started.

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