Wednesday 4 September

A very hot day.  Took suki to southfields in the morning.  Then spent morning sorting out more kitchen cupboards.  Put all eternal beau stuff on top shelves either in boxes or wrapped in cling film (they do that in the savoy apparently). Lorraine went off for lunch with fabian so I then just pottered.  Didn't really settle to anything. Had pizza salad and garlic bread for lunch.   Decided to go and explore Black Park Country Park.  Traffic was heavy because only left at 4.30.  Temperature gauge showed 30 degrees!  Had lovely walk for an hour and made a nice change.  Someone gave me their car park ticket so didn't need to pay the 2.50  charge.  Delays on a40 on the way home.  Mike went off to goldsmiths.  I had soup and homemade bread for supper.  Did some cross stitch but found it too difficult to concentrate as watching first episode of original Silent Witness.  Then watched Whitechapel.  Had early night with ovaltine.

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