Tuesday 17 September

Got up at 7.45 . Rushed around putting rubbish and recycling out and bringing in veg box.  Had shower and breakfast.  Jayne up by then so came walking with me and suki.  Went to acton park.  Sent out agendas to choir committee and sent out guy's handbells availability email then rustled up some soup and garlic bread for Mike.  Also made some bread.  Jayne and I went to Westfield for a mooch.  Walked round a bit then went to Jamie Oliver"s for set lunch and glass of wine.  Then went mad and bought myself an apple mini ipad.  Can't believe I have actually bought an apple product.  Driving me mad already at not knowing how to do things but will hopefully get used to it. Got a nice pink cover for it.  Came home and purchased Mobel app for it. Also got connected to home wi fi.  Cooked pork chops potatoes green beans and gravy for supper.  Went to choir practice in separate cars because I had committee meeting after.  Hopefully my last!  Got petrol on the way home.  Got in 11.20 and had chinese beer and hot drink. 

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