Sunday 8 September

Had nice lay in till 8.30.  Got up and had tea and toast.  Read magazine.  About 11 went out for walk with suki.  The others went for cycle ride.  I took car to Buriton and met them by blackberry bushes.  Picked two cartons.  They cycled off and I took blackberries back to car via excellent walk through back of Queen Elizabeth park.  Got back at one and had cheese and meat lunch.  Sunshine interspersed with hail and torrential rain.  Looked at holiday photos on tv.  Went home at 6.  Got in and unpacked.  Gave suki  one of the oxtails Martin had given her. Carried Mike upstairs again.  Sorted out podcasts, paid bills and did other stuff on computer. Had cheese on toast for supper.  Watched QI.  

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