Friday 11 October

Went out for walk with Jayne and suki at 9.30. Went to stover and did Templar way circuit from Teignbridge road. Copied more CDs when I got back. Also did small amount of ironing.  Jayne made lentil soup for lunch. Also ate the other Belgian bun. Rang peal at wobbly bobs in the afternoon. Had my arm twisted! Actually had some bits of nice striking. Left arm and shoulder began to ache after a bit and gradually got worse until I thought I would faint with the pain at every backstroke. Then about 20 mins before the end it got better. May even have been good for it. Garage door was left open as beautiful sunny day however it got very cold towards the end. Popped to Tesco for milk and presents for bob and Michelle then went home. Jayne arrived back at same time. Had been for coffee with friend from river dart. I took suki for walk in parke. Ear muffs were brilliant. Jayne cooked supper - chicken in tomato sauce with courgettes from ann plus curly kale and mash. It was delicious. We washed it down with red wine while watching Lewis. Had small scotch at the end of the evening.

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