Tuesday 1 October

A much better start than of late. Up at 6.15 and out with the dog by 7 to Acton park. I had forgotten how much nicer it is at that time of the morning. Did cross stitching all morning and finished another block. Had veg pasta for lunch. Practised on Abel in the afternoon. Have out middletons into the compositions. Made a bit of headway. Took suki to Southfield in the afternoon. Saw people exercising with crutches! Went out to eat with TARTS in the evening at Meson Don Philippe in Southwark. Lovely food and great to see the others again but very noisy exacerbated by wooden floors. Man played guitar sitting on chair on small platform! Just drank a couple of San Miguel beers so much more restrained than usual which was better. Picked up some Lahori on the way home and divided it into meal sized portions and put them in the freezer before going to bed with a hot drink. One final practice on mobel before turning in.

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