Sunday 20 October

Didn't sleep well.  Suki woke me at 12 barking and I just couldn't get back to sleep.  Got up 6.30.  Had shower and made last minute decision to take suki for short walk.  She enjoyed it.  Very heavy rain but we missed it.  Did the usual circuit of church breakfast and ringing.  Sorted out paperwork and also changed my bedding and got square pillow back out of storage to see if that would be more comfortable for sleeping.  Sorted out bedding in linen cupboard and put a lot more into storage under my bed. Had grilled lamb steaks and stir fry veg for lunch followed by chocolate filled crepe.  Still haven't been able to cook them nicely.  Shan't get them again.  Torrential rain alternated with blue sky and sunshine all day.  Took suki out at 4 when Mike went off to ring qp at East Molesey.  Suki limping on leg but putting it down rather than hopping on 3 legs so hopefully getting better.  Did cross stitch all afternoon and evening again and nearly finished another block.  Mike made one of his mega omelettes when he came in which was scrumptious.  Ate it watching downton abbey and finished off the bottle of red wine. 

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