Saturday 12 October

Got up at 7.30 and had toast and marmalade for breakfast. Practiced on Abel for a bit till Jayne got up. Went up to the moor for a walk. Lovely but started in drizzle which cleared for a bit then got heavy. We got so wet we went back to change before going up to see Mary. Sat in back lounge with Mary. Took suki back at 12.45 and then went to dolphin for lunch. Had beef and Guinness pie with chips. Put music on to jayne's USB sticks and took suki for short walk in the afternoon. At 5.30 went to Anne's. Douglas drove us and Joyce to lamerton for the handbell festival. Very interesting and enjoyable. We rang our pieces well, as did the four in hand band, both bands coming second in their respective sections. Lamerton won all the trophies - well it was their festival. The "peal" ringing was amazing. One band rang grandsire doubles by lapping and the lamerton band rang call changes including raising and lowering. They were standing but still managed to pass bells between them. I won a raffle prize towards the end and was very pleased to get some computer speakers. The prize giving went on a bit and then there was food. I didn't bother queuing for food but did have some cake when it came round as it was sponge with icing. Some of it was fruit cake though. Got back to Anne's at 11.20 and then drove home. Jayne was waiting up for me which was nice and we had a scotch together and I had a hot drink too.

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