Saturday 5 October

Got up early and had shower. Out on moor by 7.30. Lovely morning.  It was wonderful to see the sun come over hay tor and start to light up the rocks on the other tors. Couldn't really do it justice with photo. As hoped for, hardly saw anyone else. Difficult to see when facing sun as low in the sky. Got very warm. Got back to house at 8.45 and Jayne and I went to trago mills. Had breakfast then looked for curtains but none suitable for home. Bought a pink pair for Devon lounge. Bought lots of dog food too.  Then went to dun elm and other stores looking for green curtains but couldn't find any suitable ones. Went back to house at 2 and ordered them on line, spent the rest of the afternoon putting up new curtains and moving others around. Took suki to parke at 6. Field by river padlocked because of sheep. Had to stick to railway track then higher path and back by river. Had steak and home cooked oven chips for supper with red wine. Watched foyles war and copied jayne's CDs to computer.

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