Monday 28 October

Predicted bad storm hit through the night but was abating by the time I got up. One of the leylandi had blown over completely and the other was listing - dislodging some of the cooing stones round the raised flower bed. I texted Bill King and he said he would look at it after half term so I decided to leave them where they had fallen for the time being. One of Helena's fence panels was flapping. Will get him to look at that too. Pall went for a walk in stover park -through woods and along Templar way. Lots of flooding of streams and river. In one place had to wade through water up to wellie tops. Luckily other people were there who knew where it was shallowest. Took suki back and went out for lunch. Car park at Brookside was full so went to pay and display and walked up to Olde Tea Shop. Another bad experience so have crossed that one off the list now. Simon being particularly difficult about food and situation not helped by elderly waitress standing over us impatiently waiting for him to choose making him ever more panicky. In the end Martin gave him some money to go and get something in Tesco and sit in the car listening to music which eased the tension all round and gave simon back control of his situation. I had the fish cakes and they tasted so much of fat that I needed to smother them with tomato sauce. When I asked for sauce the waitress virtually told me off for not asking for it when she asked earlier if there was anything else we wanted! Wandered around the charity shops again and mike got very smart waistcoat and matching bow tie. Martin and boys went back in car and Gill and I walked back via yet more charity shops. Mike and I walked suki round the block in afternoon. Had pasta and cheese for supper then Martin and I went ringing and Mike came along to watch. As we were walking up we met Ann driving down. She gave me tapestry originally started by her mum probably circa 1939 and an embroidery hoop. She gave us all a lift up to the church. Lots of people at ringing. Very enjoyable and sociable. Went back and had beer with cheese and biscuits. Went to bed with coffee and scotch.

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