Monday 30 September

Had shower and breakfast before walking suki so quite late before got on with stuff. Mowed the lawn and did a bit of weeding before hanging out last little bit of washing.  Did personal admin most of the morning in the front room connected to router with cable.  Updated Satnav.  Uploaded rest of John's photos. Cooked steak onions chips and beans for lunch.  Walked suki at 3.30 and then did ironing while watching silent witness.  Went ringing early to sweep up mess which has started to pour out of the boiler flue again. Nick and shona already there.  I was able to not ring very much which was good.  Had nice ham sandwich in pub.  Put recycling out when I got home and pumped up flat tyres on bike.  Was unable to open valves as hurt hands and wrists but managed it with pliers. 

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