Friday 18 October

Got up late again - really must get back in to the habit of getting up by 7 or the day just goes. Had shower then realised suki was holding her right front leg up and couldn't put any weight on it. She wasn't chewing at the foot and we couldn't see anything wrong so I thought she must have jumped down awkwardly in the night and twisted it. I didn't think anything was broken as she didn't make any noise when we touched it nor was it swollen.  She was still able to run on 3 legs and jump up at the door when the postman came.  She clearly couldn't go out for a walk and had little interest in going out in the garden although she did eventually go out for a wee at lunchtime. So I sat indoors all day and did cross stitch - also giving myself a break from learning music and practicing handbells. I managed to cross stitch a complete letter from scratch starting at 10.30 and finishing at 7.30 at night with an hour off to make and eat lunch and a few other distractions during the day. So that was a useful benchmark. The TNT driver turned up. He was really nice and my opinion of him mellowed a bit. He blamed the office.  His mobile phone went off while he was at the door. I told him I was informed that drivers didn't carry mobile phones and he said he had to in case he needed to phone the customer!!! Life's too short to allow this to cause me stress! Mike went to Barnes in the evening but I stayed home with suki- Lorraine was at a concert in wembley park. Had some soup for supper and a glass of red wine and watched Jonathan Creek. Mike came home early not feeling well. Gave him tea and paracetamol and he went to sleep. I had an early night too.

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