Friday 29 November

Got up at 7 so showered and breakfast produced by 8. A bit disappointed at lack of progress on the weight loss but it is all relative and will continue along same lines until after Christmas and maybe get a bit more obsessive about it in the new year. Started to get organised for doing Christmas cards. Went through cards received the last two years and put them in recycling. Updated address list. Tried to produce labels in OpenOffice but too fiddly to rush so did them on laptop. Lee came round and did three more hours on garden. Looks great. Went ringing at Barnes in the evening, but separately from Mike so I could go a bit later and make a start on my Christmas newsletter. Put voltarol on my wrists and wore wrist bandages and rang all night. Went straight home without going to the pub and finished off the red wine with some pasta in chargrilled aubergine pesto. Had nice early night.