Friday 22 November

Bit disappointed to see 11.2 again on the scales after a couple of days of 10.12.  After walking Suki went up to top of road to get fringe cut and buy birthday card for Amanda, then went to Tesco for a few things.  Shredded all the paperwork I had finally scanned in. Cleared lawn.  Cleaned secateurs - in the process managed to spray WD40 into my face (nozzle facing the wrong way!) and cut my finger quite deeply.  Had soup for lunch! Did personal admin on computer in the afternoon, plus Chiswick Choir minutes.  Paid some bills etc.  Didn't go ringing - and apparently didn't miss much as QP was dire and practice not much better.  Stayed in the warm with another bowl of soup and later a glass of wine.  Patched up my finger with mefix and swab so as to be able to do cross stitch (sticking plaster too sticky) - worked quite well except occasionally passed the needle through the mefix.  Another nice early night.

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