Sunday 10 November

Got up nice and early and had shower.  Took Suki out for short walk.  Went to 8 am and then round to Fat Boys for breakfast as it is Remembrance Sunday so ringing at Barnes clashes with Chiswick.  Had nice toast and marmalade.  We managed to ring 8 half muffled as Robert P and Andy joined us (Nick, Shona, Monica, Frances and Ali). Got text from Emma just before ringing that they were going round to pick up Suki - luckily I had put the money and the lead out before I left.  So Suki not there when I got back.  Packed a rucksack each and washed up etc.  Taxi turned up 15 mins early - just as Mike getting home from playing the organ.  Quickly changed chairs and set off for Euston.  Got there at 12 ish - the others were already there having drinks in Eds.  They wouldn't let us in "for health and safety reasons" because it was crowded so we went and got a pasty and a cup of tea at a stall.  The others walked out too!  The others were delighted by the surprise of going First Class.  We had complimentary drinks and a snack box.  The train was very "wobbly" - it was a Pendalino (tilting) train - and it was difficult to read without feeling sick.  I listened to the Archers Omnibus. There was a problem with the train which held us up at Macclesfield - it seemed to be right under where we were sitting as there were several men in hi viz jackets crawling around under the train just there.  After about 20 mins we set off again with the men following us down the platform looking nervously at the train!  John was waiting for us on the platform and he took us to the tram where we had a brilliant 20 minute journey to the hotel. John went off for a couple of hours and we booked in and had a cup of tea and watched some tv.  Then we all went to the pub next door for a meal.  We all had carvery except John who had sirloin steak.  John ordered the complete set of nibbles - which we hadn't thought we wanted until they were set before us whereupon we devoured them!  We all had something for pudding too.  We were there for 4 hours chatting and eating and it was a really good evening.  John paid for the whole thing too - and did all the ordering at the bar.

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