Sunday 24 November

Mike was up in the night retching - so fetched him some water which seemed to help.  I was tempted to stay in bed but eventually got up and went to church.  Mike played the organ at the convent.  Went to Sainsbury's after ringing and got a few bits, including at last the veg gravy granules.  Also got Beryl's Christmas present and a couple of bits for Jayne.  Got home and cleared the front garden of leaves and rubbish - then discovered more fox pooh (well more like fox diarrhoea) on the front path so washed that away - which took some doing.  Washed all the dog blankets and towels from the car and reinstated the cage.  Also managed to attach the cup holder to the cage to hold a water bowl.  Cleaned all the smears from the inside of the rear window.  Tried to change the headlamp bulb but was stymied by my inability to find the screws which hold the headlamp on so decided to take it in to a garage sometime.  Cleared stuff from the table in the hall and found a home for much of it.  Had soup again for lunch.  Mike ringing QP at Barnes in memory of Raymond. When he came home stomach still upset so could only manage a little soup and a cup of tea.  Went to Steve and Mary's to attempt peal of surprise minor.  After several goes at ringing some extents ended up ringing a QP of Cambridge 6.  Mike's 100th on handbells as conductor.  Monica came over at 6 and we all had a nice supper - pheasant followed by tarte tartin.  We gave Monica a lift home.  Suki came home at 9.30 from Lee and Emma's, and we got in about 10.  Went straight to bed with a hot drink so nice early night too.

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