Tuesday 29 October

Got up, had shower and breakfast then caught up with several days' blog. How's got up and had breakfast then we all went to Teignmouth. Lovely and sunny although blustery with a chill wind. We walked along the beach -the water was very close and at times we needed to wade. I took suki up to the prom a couple of times as I was worried about her being swept away. Suki had a great time chasing a ball and avoiding the waves. We walked along the pier hoping to get a coffee but it was just an amusement arcade so we went back and had lunch with leftovers. Mini sausages in Yorkshire puddings, stir fry, beef and roast potatoes. There was enough beef and potatoes left for my supper, with a glass of wine left in the bottle too. After lunch Hows packed the car and we took both cars to Parke.  Gill wanted to do woodland walk and back by the river even though that would be tight for the cafe at the end. Martin thought the woods were boring. Mike got tired half way round. Got back just after cafe closed but they were able to do hot chocolate for simon and ice cream for mike. They went home and suki and I went to see Mary. She was sad to see us leave. Rang Lorraine when I got in and had a nice chat. Had plans to do lots of cross stitch in the evening but ended up just having a beer and something to eat followed by the red wine. Fell asleep watching midsomer murders and went to bed.

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