Monday 25 November

Got up just after 7 and had shower and made breakfast.  Gave Suki short walk round Wendell Park and then went off to Shepherd's Bush to meet Anne for coffee.  Went to Bush Theatre cafe which was nice and warm, not too busy, reasonably inexpensive and did nice coffee.  Also free wi fi.  Anne was in queue for Monty Python tickets the whole time - which worked well as we could still chat.  She was finally successful in getting them just as I left at 11.30 (as she had a meeting then with Bob and Phil).  Got back in time to chat to Svetla.  Scanned in paperwork for shredding - thus keeping up to date.  Made potatoes and cabbage with gravy for lunch - Mike had the same with left over pheasant!  Had chat with Lorraine on the phone.  Went ringing in the evening and had to ring as made them up to 6.  Wrists did not like it at all.  Had spinach and riccota in pub but it had creamy sauce on it so put it in my pot for Mike's lunch tomorrow and just ate the garlic bread and a few chips.

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