Monday 11 November

Had a really good night's sleep and woke up at 8.25 am!  Made some tea and sat in bed drinking it and watching tv news.  Then had shower and got ready for the 10 am meet.  As we were leaving the room I couldn't find the remote control.  Eventually after turning the place upside down, Lorraine found it in Mike's rucksack.  I presume I must have packed it and thought this was one more example of going doohlally - but when I thought about it later I think it must have fallen into the rucksack as I remember hearing something fall and not being able to see what it was and then dismissing it.  We met at 10 and went to the pub for breakfast - which was excellent and very cheap.  Then at 11 we got the tram back to the station.  We sat in the first class lounge until it was time to go and board the train - again with free drinks, newspaper, nibbles and wi fi.  Got Mike upgraded to first class for the difference in ticket price, and luckily the seat opposite the wheelchair space was not booked so I could sit there, and the others sat round the table for 4 which we had booked further down the same carriage.  We had lots of complimentary tea and orange juice, plus a sandwich and banana each (which I ate!).  Went back a different way - via Crewe.  Got back to wet miserable weather.  Took us hour and three quarters to get home from Euston - an hour on number 10 to Hammersmith then a 266.  Just had time to close curtains and make Mike a cup of tea then went out to David's to ring handbells.  Rang really nice peal of 5 spliced including Bristol - I only made one real mistake which was great as I have been hoping to get handbells up to the standard of my previous tower bell peal ringing.  I had taken some beer and cider over - so we each had a bottle of something and some crisps and then I went home and got in just before Mike.  Put the rubbish, recycling and milk box out and went to bed.

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