Monday 18 November

Lorraine came with me to walk suki this morning - nice to have company. Raymond's funeral today. Arrived in Barnes about 10.50and spent ages looking for a parking slot. Rang beforehand. I got phone call from neighbours in Devon saying alarm going off. I gave them instructions on getting key and code to turn it off. He thinks possibly caused by work he is having done putting railings up. He was able to ring and say he had turned it off just before funeral started. Very positive funeral and very touching. Hymn just as I am brought tears to my eyes reminding me of dad. Went round to kitson hall afterwards for tea and sandwich. Got home and finished scanning paperwork, walked suki etc. went ringing in evening. Only Monica and Frances there for most of e evening so they rang minor on handbells. Then Francis turned up and they rang bob minimus for a bit. Then went to pub. Had the fish pie which was very good except for the bits of boiled egg white in it which were a bit rubbery. 

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