Friday 10 January

Got up at 6.45 and set up heater in bathroom for ablutions. Planned to have high exercise low calorie day by going for long walk before having breakfast and thus leaving out one meal. Worked brilliantly and ended up with 1000 calories unused at the end of the day.  Icy outside so didn't use car for walk. Went up to Shaptor woods then walked down the track and back along Moretonhampstead road and up the first public footpath. This came out oppisite Dorothy's house so not really very useful but at least have ticked it off. Amazing view and sky from top of hill by wood. Low cloud over Bovey with clear moor visible above.  Walked back via hairdresser and made appointment to have hair cut - Ryan  suggested appointment in 20 mins so walked back with suki and fed her than went straight back out to hairdressers. Had hair cut short to shoulders - had intended to have short layers on top but was happy with the longer layers Ryan put in. Still felt it looked better with sides tied up when I got home.  Got some bread and veg and fruit on the way home. Had my porridge at 11.30 when I got back so plan working! Put Hoover on through the house - very satisfying as for the first time was actually able to pick up the bits and hairs and leave carpets looking clean. Prepared all the veg and salad stuff and made Dahl soup also using up old swede and parsnip from Christmas.  Went for a walk in Parke in the afternoon. River very full and fast and weir amazing.  Went to see Mary afterwards. Had soup and bread for dinner followed by banana fresh dates and satsuma. Nothing much on tv till 8.30 so got ready for bed and practised on Abel for a while. Then watched Miranda and silent witness with glass of red wine. Put tv on"sleep" and went to sleep listening to news. 

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