Saturday 18 January

Suki picked up by Emma at 11.30.  Mike went off to Barnes to learners practice. I did bit of ironing.  Went over to Barnes at 12 just as coffee shop closing. Mike played organ for 3 hours. I got baguette from Delice and a latte and ate it in Melville room then hoovered round. Then practiced stop pulling and page turning for Mike's outgoing voluntary. Spent the afternoon with the others preparing ringers tea. Kristen had cooked amazing chicken meatballs and thighs. I took some meatballs home for tomorrow's lunch. Everyone said it was best ringers tea they had ever had! Helped clear up then skipped the meeting and went home. Spent the evening copying Jayne's CDs to computer and downloading the album info before making a copy to send to Jayne. Had a red berry cider for a change. 

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