Tuesday 31 December

Got up and had plenty of time to do breakfast, clear up and pack car. Set off just before 9.20. Got to ashwick at 11.20. Jay already there. She had ordnance survey map (which had seen better days) and I borrowed it and walked from tower to pub at doulting beacon while mike rang a QP.  Took me till 1.15 by which time they were getting worried about me! Very muddy so very glad I had brought some wellies. Had a few navigation problems but they were all overcome and I really enjoyed the walk. Had excellent veg lasagne with chips and garlic bread for lunch in the pub. Then mike went to knapsack farm a few yards down the road and rang QP of grandsire Triples on the mini ring.  I sat in car and had started to watch programme about canoeing down Everest on iPad when Margaret turned up with Tobias wanting to ring handbells - so we went back into the pub and rang some plain bob minor then kent and then stedman. Had suki on my wrist the whole time and she was rally good except when people in the pub applauded! Then we all went on to Piglet where mike had a ring on the mini ring and then we rang handbells - with Pete Felton and Charles and then Margaret. Then mike played piano duet with Margaret - arrival of wueen of Sheba. Finally got away about 5.30 and got home about 8. Unpacked car and had cheese with ryvita thins and finished off red wine for supper watching programme on rheinhold messner and Peter halberd going up Everest without oxygen. Mike very cold. Heater blew up when I put it on, tripping out the circuit breaker so clocks had to be reset. Went to bed at 11 but fireworks at midnight upset suki so we were both awake again. I took suki into bed and cuddled her and she eventually stopped shaking - I fell asleep with her in my arms.

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