Friday 17 January

Malc's 65th birthday. Walked Suki to the vets via Bedford park. She let vet scrape tartar off her teeth! Impressive. Got back about 11 and did lots of email admin. Got tax disc for car. Ordered a couple of things for Lorraine's birthday. Ordered some cheese. Ordered some things from amazon plus some premature baby nappies for direct delivery to Amanda. Printed off all my travel documents, checked in on line and printed off boarding pass. Took suki out at 4. Mike on his way out to Barnes when I got back as practising the organ for surrey meeting tomorrow. I went to Tesco and bought vast amount of salad leaves and cherry tomatoes. Did ironing when I got back and then went to ringing. Got there at 7.40. Alley was there. I rang Glasgow a few times and some bob triples but nothing too taxing on wrists. Came straight home and made veg pasta with garlic and drank half bottle of red wine! Watched second part of silent witness. 

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