Thursday 9 January

End of mortgage day! Checked on phone that endowment maturity had gone in. Amazing to see such a balance in the current account. Mike went to work. I packed car for Devon including the aquvac then went to pick up Susie to go for a walk with Maryanne. Started on Ashridge estate and did circular walk round Grand Union Canal. Lovely day and super walk although very muddy underfoot. Had nice lunch in Valiant Trooper in Aldbury - sausages, bubble and squeak, and homemade baked beans. Drove Susie back to Acton Central then got some petrol and set off for Devon. Got there at 6 to find boiler dead. Tried various things then rang plumber from The Cottage. He came straight ou (7pm) and discovered boiler casing full of water which had blown electrics. Decided to get new one -- he can do it on Monday. Put heater on in bedroom and stayed in there for the evening. Had jacket potato with cheese and opened a bottle of red wine. A little over cLorie goal despite long walk due to bag of sweets eaten on drive down to keep me awake! Watched silent witness. Had hot drink and scotch. Put music on to get to sleep at 11 as struggling.

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