Saturday 11 January

Lovely morning - crisp and clear with blue skies and sunshine. Had really good night's sleep which made a nice change. Decided to have tea and porridge first and then go out on the moor when roads likely to be a bit less icy. Had a lovely walk - it was absolutely glorious up on the moor. Cold and clear with blue skies and sunshine. It was quite busy when I got there and even busier when I left at 11.30. Went from small car park round to black hill then over the next 4 tors towards Hay Tor until I picked up the very end of the tramway and then went back along the tramway all the way back to the car park. Finished cross stitch in the afternoon the. Went for walk in the plantation. Still light at 5 pm. Having difficulties with Morgan computer which keeps hanging following commodore update so spent some time updating and pruning the NetBoot to use instead. Then practiced Yorkshire on Abel for a whole before settling down with wine and veg pasta to watch some tv - watched Dave all night, QI then Not Going Out. Decided to do washing up at 10 pm as I had been stockpiling it due to lack of hot water but couldn't bear to leave it overnight. 

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