Friday 3 January

Dreadful rain first thing so just took suki for short walk to Wendell and back via askew road. Sun and blue sky later. Rang handbell peal of Cambridge on 3-4 with Steve, Hamish and Margaret. Some of it quite good although I got quite distressed at one point with the effort of concentration. Weather appalling by the time we had finished. Had goose broth for lunch which had been cooking in the slow cooker since last night. Did cross stitch in the afternoon and carries on in the evening rather than go ringing. Finished the penultimate block.  Just one more and the name and date of birth to go. Mapped out pattern for the name and date ready for printing. Opened the Dikmen - really good. Possibly better for having laid down for a while. Litre bottle but with 3 nights to consume it should be ok. Went to bed and read for a while - started Prime Suspect. Have got kobo app on iPad now so can read it in bed on larger screen but still have it available on phone when out and about.

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