Tuesday 21 January

Lorraine's birthday. Walked suki in Acton park in the morning. A nice day with sunshine. Got last minute things ready for Majorca. Put cross stitch into small plastic pocket and realised all hoops left in Devon so borrowed one of Lorraine's. Had poached eggs on marmite toast for lunch - eggs provided by work colleague of mike from hens running free in his garden. Delicious. Went to Tesco to get bread and milk for mike and then went to get stuff from pharmacy and Lebanese meal of rice meatballs and veg. Had this for dinner plus made up a plated meal for freezer. Went to choir separately as I wasn't going to the pub. Helped sort out Richard's outlook fields in the interval! Went straight home afterwards and threw clothes into the washing machine. Put them on tank to dry and went to bed. Another alcohol free day!

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