
Mike in to work again today so up early. Had shower and took Suki to Acton park - slow amble round while she did her own thing.  Failed to ring a handbell peal of Yorkshire with Steve, Hamish and Margaret on tenors.  Got back to hot freshly baked bread which I had put on to bake before going out.  Had hot crusty bread with some delicious Shropshire Blue cheese for lunch.  Carried on working on organising computers in the afternoon - removing as much as possible from the laptop and putting it on the hard drive.  Then arranging new hard drive with just the current stuff so that old hard drive can be put away as back up. /Qp of London at Barnes - trippy with huge fire up towards the end but still got it.  Wrists done in so didn't ring much afterwards.  Lovely lamb burger in pub.  The round plus food cost £67.

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